
RJay's picture


Member for
8 years 10 months


PokémonBright Lights, Big Changes!April 21, 2019
PokémonNo Stone Unturned!April 21, 2019
PokémonDon't Ignore the Small Stufful!April 11, 2019
PokémonSparking Confusion!April 6, 2019
PokémonA Haunted House for Everyone!March 25, 2019
PokémonLillier and the Staff!March 24, 2019
PokémonTurning the Other Mask!February 28, 2019
PokémonA Plethora of Pikachu!February 28, 2019
PokémonSecuring the Future!February 28, 2019
PokémonThe Prism Between Light and Darkness!February 28, 2019
PokémonFull Moon and Many Arms!February 28, 2019
PokémonFilling the Light with Darkness!February 23, 2019
PokémonI Choose Paradise!February 13, 2019
PokémonThe Long Vault Home!February 11, 2019
PokémonThe Shape of Love to Come!February 8, 2019
PokémonDummy, You Shrunk the Kids!February 6, 2019
PokémonAll They Want to Do Is Dance, Dance!January 21, 2019
The Promised Neverland121045January 12, 2019
PokémonA Young Royal Flame Ignites!December 2, 2018
PokémonNot Caving Under Pressure!November 24, 2018



Parasyte: The MaximParasitic BeastsApril 3, 2016
BleachIchigo and Rukia, Thoughts in the Revolving Around HeavenMarch 29, 2016
Parasyte: The MaximLife and VowsMarch 23, 2016
Parasyte: The MaximRepose and AwakeningMarch 23, 2016
Parasyte: The MaximMore Than HumanFebruary 21, 2016
Parasyte: The MaximThe Adventure of the Dying DetectiveFebruary 15, 2016
NoragamiA Scrap of a MemoryFebruary 8, 2016
NoragamiUncertainty and DestinyFebruary 8, 2016
Parasyte: The MaximFebruary 3, 2016
Parasyte: The MaximWhat Mad UniverseFebruary 3, 2016
NoragamiFebruary 3, 2016
Samurai ChamplooStranger SearchingFebruary 3, 2016
Samurai ChamplooStranger SearchingFebruary 3, 2016
Akame ga Kill!Kill the EmperorFebruary 3, 2016
Akame ga Kill!Kill the Little SisterFebruary 3, 2016
Parasyte: The MaximHappy FamilyFebruary 2, 2016
Parasyte: The MaximSomething Wicked This Way ComesFebruary 2, 2016
BleachImpossible to Attack? The Sealed Genryūsai!February 2, 2016
BleachAll Out War! Aizen vs. ShinigamiFebruary 2, 2016
Parasyte: The MaximThe Selfish GeneFebruary 2, 2016
