Pokémon Filler List

Updated on March 25, 2025

Pokémon was an anime series that ran from 1997 to 2021. In total 1134 episodes of Pokémon were aired. With a total of 233 reported filler episodes, Pokémon has a moderate filler percentage of 21%.

Follow Ash Ketchum as he travels across many regions, making friends, collecting bagdes, and competing in various regional leagues. While catching, training, and evolving new pokémon which help him to reach his goal of becoming a Pokémon Master.

Page Contributors:

EksevisRJayiJay14Inferno WizardadminGajeelBest48PokeFan2112Cavery210Shollio

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Quick List

Click the episode number to see more info
Mixed Canon/Filler Episodes:6, 30, 40-41, 68, 1085, 1101
Anime Canon Episodes:562, 1092-1099, 1102, 1104-1117, 1119-1134

Pokémon Episode List

Hide Episode Titles
1Pokémon - I Choose You!Manga Canon1997-04-01
2Pokémon EmergencyManga Canon1997-04-08
3Ash Catches a PokémonManga Canon1997-04-15
4Challenge of the SamuraiManga Canon1997-04-22
5Showdown in Pewter CityManga Canon1997-04-29
6Clefairy and the Moon StoneMixed Canon/Filler1997-05-06
7The Water Flowers of Cerulean CityManga Canon1997-05-13
8The Path to the Pokémon LeagueFiller1997-05-20
9The School of Hard KnocksFiller1997-05-27
10Bulbasaur and the Hidden VillageManga Canon1997-06-03
11Charmander-The Stray PokémonManga Canon1997-06-10
12Here Comes the Squirtle SquadManga Canon1997-06-17
13Mystery at the LighthouseManga Canon1997-06-24
14Electric Shock ShowdownManga Canon1997-07-01
15Battle Aboard the St. AnneManga Canon1997-07-08
16Pokémon ShipwreckManga Canon1997-07-15
17Island of the Giant PokémonManga Canon1997-07-22
18Tentacool & TentacruelManga Canon1997-08-05
19The Ghost of Maiden's PeakFiller1997-08-12
20Bye Bye ButterfreeManga Canon1997-08-19
21Abra and the Psychic ShowdownManga Canon1997-08-26
22The Tower of TerrorManga Canon1997-09-02
23Haunter vs. KadabraManga Canon1997-09-09
24Primeape Goes BananasManga Canon1997-09-16
25Pokémon Scent-sation!Manga Canon1997-09-23
26Hypno's NaptimeManga Canon1997-09-30
27Pokémon Fashion FlashManga Canon1997-10-07
28The Punchy PokémonManga Canon1997-10-14
29Sparks Fly for MagnemiteManga Canon1997-10-21
30Dig Those Diglett!Mixed Canon/Filler1997-10-28
31The Ninja Poké-ShowdownManga Canon1997-11-04
32The Flame Pokémon-athon!Filler1997-11-11
33The Kangaskhan KidFiller1997-11-18
34The Bridge Bike GangManga Canon1997-12-02
35Ditto's Mysterious MansionManga Canon1997-12-09
36Pikachu's GoodbyeManga Canon1998-04-16
37The Battling Eevee BrothersFiller1998-04-16
38Wake Up Snorlax!Filler1998-04-23
39Showdown at Dark CityFiller1998-04-30
40The March of the Exeggutor SquadMixed Canon/Filler1998-05-07
41The Problem with ParasMixed Canon/Filler1998-05-14
42The Song of JigglypuffManga Canon1998-05-21
43Attack of the Prehistoric PokémonManga Canon1998-05-28
44A Chansey OperationFiller1998-06-04
45Holy Matrimony!Manga Canon1998-06-11
46So Near, Yet So Farfetch'dFiller1998-06-18
47Who Gets To Keep Togepi?Manga Canon1998-06-25
48Bulbasaur's Mysterious GardenManga Canon1998-07-02
49The Case of the K-9 Caper!Filler1998-07-16
50Pokémon PaparazziManga Canon1998-07-23
51The Ultimate TestFiller1998-07-30
52The Breeding Center SecretManga Canon1998-08-06
53Princess vs. PrincessManga Canon1998-07-09
54The Purr-fect HeroFiller1998-07-09
55Riddle Me ThisManga Canon1998-08-13
56Volcanic PanicManga Canon1998-08-20
57Beach Blank-out BlastoiseFiller1998-08-27
58The Misty MermaidManga Canon1998-09-03
59Clefairy TalesFiller1998-09-10
60The Battle of the BadgeManga Canon1998-09-17
61It's Mr. Mime TimeManga Canon1998-09-24
62Snow Way Out!Filler1998-10-05
63Showdown at the Po-ké CorralManga Canon1998-10-08
64The Evolution SolutionFiller1998-10-15
65The Pi-KahunaFiller1998-10-22
66Make Room for Gloom!Filler1998-10-29
67Lights, Camera, Quack-tion!Filler1998-11-05
68Go West Young MeowthMixed Canon/Filler1998-11-12
69To Master the OnixpectedFiller1998-11-19
70The Ancient Puzzle of PokémopolisFiller1998-11-26
71Bad to the BoneManga Canon1998-12-03
72All Fired Up!Manga Canon1998-12-10
73Round One - Begin!Manga Canon1998-12-17
74Fire and IceManga Canon1998-12-24
75The Fourth Round RumbleManga Canon1999-01-01
76A Friend in DeedManga Canon1999-01-07
77Friend and Foe AlikeManga Canon1999-01-14
78Friends to the EndManga Canon1999-01-21
79Pallet Party PanicManga Canon1999-01-28
80A Scare in the AirManga Canon1999-02-04
81Pokéball PerilManga Canon1999-02-11
82The Lost LaprasManga Canon1999-02-18
83Fit to Be Tide!Manga Canon1999-02-25
84Pikachu Re-VoltsFiller1999-03-04
85The Crystal OnixFiller1999-03-11
86In the PinkFiller1999-03-18
87Shell Shock!Filler1999-03-25
88Bye Bye PsyduckFiller1999-04-08
89The Joy of PokémonFiller1999-04-15
90Navel ManeuversManga Canon1999-04-22
91Snack AttackManga Canon1999-04-29
92A Shipful of ShiversManga Canon1999-05-06
93Meowth Rules!Filler1999-05-13
94Tracey Gets BuggedManga Canon1999-05-20
95A Way Off A Day OffFiller1999-05-27
96Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon?Filler1999-06-10
97Get Along, Little PokémonFiller1999-06-17
98The Mystery MenaceManga Canon1999-06-24
99Misty Meets Her MatchManga Canon1999-07-01
100Bound for TroubleFiller1999-07-15
101Charizard ChillsManga Canon1999-07-22
102The Pokémon Water WarManga Canon1999-07-29
103Pokémon Food FightFiller1999-08-05
104Pokémon Double TroubleManga Canon1999-08-12
105The Wacky WatcherFiller1999-08-19
106The Stun Spore DetourManga Canon1999-08-26
107Hello PummeloManga Canon1999-09-02
108Enter the DragoniteManga Canon1999-09-09
109Viva Las LaprasManga Canon1999-09-16
110The Underground Round UpManga Canon1999-09-23
111A Tent SituationManga Canon1999-09-30
112A Rivalry RevivalManga Canon1999-10-07
113Don't Touch That 'dileManga Canon1999-10-14
114The Double Trouble HeaderManga Canon1999-10-21
115A Sappy EndingManga Canon1999-10-28
116Roll On, Pokémon!Filler1999-11-04
117Illusion ConfusionManga Canon1999-11-11
118Flower PowerFiller1999-11-18
119Spinarak AttackFiller1999-11-25
120Snubbull SnobberyManga Canon1999-12-02
121The Little Big HornManga Canon1999-12-09
122Chikorita RescueManga Canon1999-12-16
123Once in a Blue MoonFiller1999-12-23
124The Whistle StopFiller2000-01-01
125Ignorance Is BlisseyManga Canon2000-01-06
126A Bout With SproutManga Canon2000-01-13
127Fighting Flyer with FireManga Canon2000-01-20
128For Crying Out LoudManga Canon2000-01-27
129Tanks A Lot!Filler2000-02-03
130Charizard's Burning AmbitionManga Canon2000-02-10
131Grin to Win!Filler2000-02-17
132Chikorita's Big UpsetManga Canon2000-02-24
133Foul Weather FriendsFiller2000-03-02
134The Superhero SecretFiller2000-03-09
135Mild 'N WoolyFiller2000-03-16
136Wired For BattleFiller2000-03-23
137Good 'Quil HuntingManga Canon2000-03-30
138A Shadow of a DroughtManga Canon2000-04-06
139Going ApricornManga Canon2000-04-13
140Gettin' the Bugs OutManga Canon2000-04-20
141A Farfetch'd TaleManga Canon2000-04-27
142Tricks of the TradeManga Canon2000-05-04
143The Fire-ing Squad!Manga Canon2000-05-11
144No Big Woop!Filler2000-05-18
145Tunnel VisionFiller2000-05-25
146Hour of the HoundourFiller2000-06-01
147The Totodile DuelManga Canon2000-06-08
148Hot MatchesFiller2000-06-15
149Love, Totodile StyleFiller2000-06-22
150Fowl PlayManga Canon2000-06-29
151Forest GrumpsFiller2000-07-06
152The Psychic SidekicksFiller2000-07-13
153The Fortune HuntersManga Canon2000-07-27
154A Goldenrod OpportunityManga Canon2000-08-03
155A Dairy Tale EndingManga Canon2000-08-10
156Air TimeManga Canon2000-08-17
157The Bug Stops HereManga Canon2000-08-24
158Type Casting!Filler2000-08-31
159Fossil FoolsFiller2000-09-07
160Carrying OnFiller2000-09-14
161Hassle in the CastleManga Canon2000-09-21
162Two Hits and a MissFiller2000-09-28
163A Hot Water BattleFiller2000-10-05
164Hook, Line and StinkerFiller2000-10-12
165Beauty and the BreederManga Canon2000-10-19
166A Better Pill to SwallowFiller2000-10-26
167Power PlayManga Canon2000-11-02
168Mountain TimeFiller2000-11-09
170Immitation ConfrontationManga Canon2000-11-23
171The Trouble With SnubbullManga Canon2000-11-30
172Ariados, AmigosManga Canon2000-12-07
173Wings 'n' ThingsFiller2000-12-14
174The Grass RouteFiller2000-12-21
175The Apple Corp!Filler2001-01-04
176Houndoom's Special DeliveryFiller2001-01-11
177A Ghost of a ChanceManga Canon2001-01-18
178From Ghost to GhostManga Canon2001-01-25
179Trouble's BrewingManga Canon2001-02-01
180All That Glitters!Filler2001-02-08
181The Light FantasticFiller2001-02-15
183Moving PicturesManga Canon2001-03-01
184Spring FeverFiller2001-03-08
185Freeze FrameManga Canon2001-03-15
186The Stolen StonesFiller2001-03-22
187The Dunsparce DeceptionFiller2001-03-29
188The Wayward WobbuffetFiller2001-04-05
189Sick DazeFiller2001-04-12
190Ring MastersManga Canon2001-04-19
191The Poké SpokesmanFiller2001-04-26
192Control Freak!Manga Canon2001-05-03
193The Art of PokémonFiller2001-05-10
194The Heartbreak of BrockFiller2001-05-17
195Current EventsManga Canon2001-05-24
196Turning Over A New BayleefFiller2001-05-31
197Doin' What Comes Natu-rallyFiller2001-06-07
198The Big Balloon Blow-UpFiller2001-06-14
199The Screen Actor's GuiltFiller2001-06-21
200Right On, RhydonFiller2001-06-28
201The Kecleon CaperFiller2001-07-05
202The Joy of Water PokémonFiller2001-07-12
203Got Milktank?Filler2001-07-19
204Fight for the LightManga Canon2001-07-26
205Machoke, Machoke ManManga Canon2001-08-02
206Around the WhirlpoolManga Canon2001-08-09
207Fly Me to the MoonFiller2001-08-16
208Takin' it on the ChinchouFiller2001-08-23
209A Corsola CaperManga Canon2001-08-30
210Mantine OverboardFiller2001-09-06
211Octillery the OutcastManga Canon2001-09-13
212Dueling HeroesManga Canon2001-09-20
213The Perfect MatchManga Canon2001-09-27
214Plant It Now... Diglett LaterFiller2001-10-04
215Hi Ho Silver... AwayFiller2001-10-11
216The Mystery is HistoryManga Canon2001-10-18
217A Parent TrappedManga Canon2001-10-25
218A Promise Is a PromiseManga Canon2001-11-01
219Throwing in the Noctowl!Manga Canon2001-11-08
220Nerves of Steelix!Manga Canon2001-11-15
221Bulbasaur...the AmbassadorManga Canon2001-11-22
222Espeon, Not IncludedManga Canon2001-11-29
223For Ho-Oh the Bells TollManga Canon2001-12-06
224Extreme PokémonManga Canon2001-12-13
225An Egg-Sighting AdventureFiller2001-12-20
226Hatching a PlanManga Canon2001-12-27
227Dues and Don'tsManga Canon2002-01-10
228Just Waiting on a FriendFiller2002-01-17
229Fit to be TyroguedFiller2002-01-24
230Xatu the FutureFiller2002-01-31
231Talkin' 'bout an EvolutionManga Canon2002-02-07
232The Rage of InnocenceManga Canon2002-02-14
233As Cold as PryceManga Canon2002-02-21
234Nice Pryce, BabyManga Canon2002-02-28
235Whichever Way the Wind BlowsFiller2002-03-07
236Some Like It HotFiller2002-03-14
237Hocus PokémonFiller2002-03-21
238As Clear as CrystalFiller2002-03-28
239Same Old Song and DanceFiller2002-04-11
240Enlighten UpFiller2002-04-18
241Will the Real Oak Please Stand Up?Filler2002-04-25
242Wish Upon a Star ShapeFiller2002-05-02
243Outrageous FortunesManga Canon2002-05-09
244One Trick PhonyFiller2002-05-16
245I Politoed Ya SoFiller2002-05-23
246Beauty is Skin DeepManga Canon2002-06-06
247Fangs For NothingManga Canon2002-06-13
248Great Bowls of FireManga Canon2002-06-20
249Better Eight Than NeverManga Canon2002-06-27
250Why? WynautManga Canon2002-07-04
251Just Add WaterFiller2002-07-11
252Lapras of LuxuryManga Canon2002-07-18
253Hatch Me If You CanManga Canon2002-07-25
254Entei at Your Own RiskManga Canon2002-08-01
255A Crowning AchievementFiller2002-08-08
256Here's Lookin' at You, ElekidManga Canon2002-08-15
257You're a Star, LarvitarFiller2002-08-22
258Address Unown!Manga Canon2002-08-29
259Mother of All BattlesManga Canon2002-09-05
260Pop Goes the SneaselManga Canon2002-09-12
261A Claim to Flame!Manga Canon2002-09-19
262Love, Pokémon StyleManga Canon2002-09-26
263Tie One On!Manga Canon2002-10-03
264The Ties That BindManga Canon2002-10-10
265Can't Beat the HeatManga Canon2002-10-17
266Play with Fire!Manga Canon2002-10-24
267Johto Photo FinishManga Canon2002-10-31
268Gotta Catch Ya Later!Manga Canon2002-11-07
269Hoenn Alone!Manga Canon2002-11-14
270Get the Show on the RoadManga Canon2002-11-21
271A Ruin with a ViewManga Canon2002-11-28
272There's No Place like HoennManga Canon2002-12-05
273You Can Never TaillowManga Canon2002-12-12
274In the Knicker of TimeManga Canon2002-12-19
275A Poached EgoManga Canon2002-12-26
276Tree's a CrowdManga Canon2003-01-09
277A Tail with a TwistManga Canon2003-01-16
278Taming of the ShroomishFiller2003-01-23
279You Said a MouthfulFiller2003-01-30
280A Bite to RememberFiller2003-02-06
281The Lotad LowdownManga Canon2003-02-13
282All Things Bright and BeautiflyManga Canon2003-02-20
283All in a Day's WurmpleManga Canon2003-02-27
284Gonna Rule the SchoolManga Canon2003-03-06
285The Winner by a NosepassManga Canon2003-03-13
286Stairway to DevonManga Canon2003-03-20
287On a Wingull and a PrayerManga Canon2003-03-27
288Sharpedo Attack!Manga Canon2003-04-03
289Brave the Wave!Manga Canon2003-04-10
290Which Wurmple's Which?Filler2003-04-17
291A Hole Lotta TroubleManga Canon2003-04-24
292Gone Corphishin'Manga Canon2003-05-01
293A Corphish Out of Water!Manga Canon2003-05-08
294A Mudkip Mission!Manga Canon2003-05-15
295Turning Over a New Nuzleaf!Filler2003-05-21
296A Three Team SchemeManga Canon2003-05-29
297Seeing Is BelievingManga Canon2003-06-05
298Ready, Willing and Sableye!Filler2003-06-12
299A Meditite Fight!Manga Canon2003-06-19
300Just One of the Geysers!Manga Canon2003-06-26
301Abandon Ship!Manga Canon2003-07-03
302Now That's Flower Power!Manga Canon2003-07-10
303Having a Wailord of a Time!Manga Canon2003-07-17
304Win, Lose, or Drew!Manga Canon2003-07-24
305The Spheal of Approval!Manga Canon2003-07-31
306Jump for Joy!Filler2003-08-07
307A Different Kind of Misty!Manga Canon2003-08-14
308A Poké-BLOCK Party!Manga Canon2003-08-21
309What's With Wattson?Manga Canon2003-08-28
310What You Seed is What You GetManga Canon2003-09-04
311Let Bagons Be BagonsFiller2003-09-18
312The Princess and the TogepiManga Canon2003-09-25
313A Togepi MirageManga Canon2003-10-02
314Candid CameruptFiller2003-10-09
315Love at First FlightFiller2003-09-11
316I Feel Skitty!Manga Canon2003-10-16
317Zig Zag ZangooseManga Canon2003-10-23
318Maxxed Out!Filler2003-10-30
319Pros and Con ArtistsManga Canon2003-11-06
320Come What May!Manga Canon2003-11-13
321Cheer PressureManga Canon2003-11-20
322Game Winning AssistFiller2003-11-27
323Fight for the MeteoriteManga Canon2003-12-04
324Poetry Commotion!Manga Canon2003-12-11
325Going, Going, YawnManga Canon2003-12-18
326Going for a SpindaFiller2003-12-25
327All Torkoal, No PlayManga Canon2004-01-08
328Manectric ChargeManga Canon2004-01-15
329Delcatty Got Your TongueFiller2004-01-22
330Disaster of DisguiseManga Canon2004-01-29
331Disguise Da LimitManga Canon2004-02-05
332Take the Lombre HomeManga Canon2004-02-12
333True Blue SwabluFiller2004-02-19
334Gulpin It DownFiller2004-02-26
335Exploud and ClearManga Canon2004-03-04
336Go Go LudicoloFiller2004-03-11
337A Double DilemmaManga Canon2004-03-18
338Love, Petalburg Style!Manga Canon2004-03-25
339Balance of PowerManga Canon2004-04-01
340Six Pack AttackManga Canon2004-04-08
341The Bicker the BetterManga Canon2004-04-15
342Grass Hysteria!Manga Canon2004-04-22
343Hokey Poké BallsManga Canon2004-04-29
344Wishcash and AshFiller2004-05-06
345Me, Myself and TimeFiller2004-05-13
346A Fan with a PlanManga Canon2004-05-20
347Cruisin' For a Losin'Manga Canon2004-05-27
348Pearls Are a Spoink's Best FriendManga Canon2004-06-03
349That's Just SwellowManga Canon2004-06-10
350Take This House and ShuppetManga Canon2004-06-17
351A Shroomish SkirmishManga Canon2004-06-24
352Unfair Weather FriendsManga Canon2004-07-01
353Who's Flying Now?Manga Canon2004-07-08
354Sky High Gym Battle!Manga Canon2004-07-15
355Lights, Camerupt, Action!Filler2004-07-22
356Crazy as a LunatoneManga Canon2004-07-29
357The Garden of Eatin'Filler2004-08-05
358A Scare to RememberFiller2004-08-12
359Pokéblock, Stock, and BerryManga Canon2004-08-19
360Lessons in LilycoveManga Canon2004-08-26
361Judgment Day!Filler2004-09-02
362Clamperl of WisdomManga Canon2004-09-09
363The Relicanth Really CanFiller2004-09-16
364The Evolutionary WarManga Canon2004-09-23
365Training WrecksFiller2004-09-30
366Gaining GroudonManga Canon2004-10-07
367The Scuffle of LegendsManga Canon2004-10-14
368It's Still Rocket Roll to MeManga Canon2004-10-21
369Solid as a SolrockManga Canon2004-10-28
370Vanity AffairManga Canon2004-11-04
371Where's Armaldo?Filler2004-11-11
372A Cacturne for the WorseManga Canon2004-11-18
373Claydol Big and TallFiller2004-11-25
374Once in a MawlieManga Canon2004-12-02
375Beg, Burrow, and StealFiller2004-12-09
376Absol-ute DisasterFiller2004-12-16
377Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snorunt!Manga Canon2004-12-23
378Do I Hear a Ralts?Filler2005-01-06
379The Great Eight FateManga Canon2005-01-13
380Eight Ain't EnoughManga Canon2005-01-20
381Showdown at LinooneFiller2005-01-27
382Who, What, Where, When, Wynaut?Manga Canon2005-02-03
383Date ExpectationsManga Canon2005-02-10
384Mean With EnvyManga Canon2005-02-17
385Pacifidlog JamManga Canon2005-02-24
386Berry, Berry InterestingManga Canon2005-03-03
387Less Is MorrisonManga Canon2005-03-10
388The Ribbon Cup CaperManga Canon2005-03-17
389Hi Ho Silver WindManga Canon2005-04-07
390Deceit and AssistManga Canon2005-04-07
391Rhapsody in DrewManga Canon2005-04-07
392Island TimeManga Canon2005-04-14
393Like a Meowth to FlameManga Canon2005-04-21
394Saved by the BeldumManga Canon2005-04-28
395From Brags to RichesManga Canon2005-05-05
396Shocks and BondsManga Canon2005-05-12
397A Judgment BrawlManga Canon2005-05-19
398Choose It or Lose ItManga Canon2005-05-26
399At the End of the FrayManga Canon2005-06-16
400The Scheme TeamManga Canon2005-06-23
401The Right Place and the Right MimeManga Canon2005-06-30
402A Real Cleffa-HangerManga Canon2005-07-07
403Numero Uno ArticunoManga Canon2005-07-21
404The Symbol LifeManga Canon2005-07-28
405Hooked on OnixFiller2005-08-04
406Rough, Tough JigglypuffFiller2005-08-11
407On Cloud ArcanineManga Canon2005-08-18
408Sitting PsyduckFiller2005-08-25
409Hail to the ChefFiller2005-09-01
410Caterpie's Big DilemmaFiller2005-09-08
411The Saffron ConManga Canon2005-09-15
412A Hurdle for SquirtleManga Canon2005-09-22
413Pasta la VistaFiller2005-09-29
414Fear Factor Phony!Filler2005-10-06
415Sweet Baby JamesManga Canon2005-10-13
416A Chip Off the Old BrockManga Canon2005-10-20
417Wheel of FrontierManga Canon2005-10-27
418May's Egg-cellent AdventureManga Canon2005-11-03
419Weekend WarriorManga Canon2005-11-10
420On Olden PondFiller2005-11-17
421Tactics TheatricsManga Canon2005-11-24
422Reversing the ChargesManga Canon2005-12-01
423The Green GuardianManga Canon2005-12-08
424From Cradle to SaveManga Canon2005-12-15
425Time-Warp Heals All WoundsManga Canon2005-12-22
426Queen of the SerpetineManga Canon2006-01-05
427Off the Unbeaten PathManga Canon2006-01-12
428Harley Rides AgainManga Canon2006-01-19
429Odd Pokémon OutManga Canon2006-01-26
430Spontaneous CombuskenManga Canon2006-02-02
431Cutting the Ties That BindManga Canon2006-02-09
432Ka Boom With A ViewManga Canon2006-02-16
433King and Queen For a DayFiller2006-02-23
434Curbing the Crimson TideFiller2006-03-02
435What I Did For LoveManga Canon2006-03-09
436Three Jynx and a BabyFiller2006-03-16
437Talking a Good GameManga Canon2006-03-23
438Second Time's the CharmManga Canon2006-03-30
439Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys' Crisis (Part 1)Manga Canon2006-04-13
440Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys' Crisis (Part 2)Manga Canon2006-04-13
441All That Glitters Is Not GoldenFiller2006-04-20
442New Plot, Odd Lot!Manga Canon2006-04-27
443Going for ChokeManga Canon2006-05-04
444The Ole' Berate and SwitchFiller2006-05-11
445Grating SpacesManga Canon2006-05-18
446Battling the Enemy WithinManga Canon2006-05-25
447Slaking KongManga Canon2006-06-08
448May, We Harley Drew'd YaManga Canon2006-06-15
449Thinning the HoardManga Canon2006-06-22
450Channeling the Battle ZoneManga Canon2006-06-29
451Aipom and CircumstanceFiller2006-07-06
452Strategy Tomorrow – Comedy TonightFiller2006-07-20
453Duels of the JungleFiller2006-07-27
454OverjoyedManga Canon2006-08-03
455The Unbeatable Lightness of SeeingManga Canon2006-08-10
456Pinch HealingFiller2006-08-17
457Gathering the Gang of FourManga Canon2006-08-24
458Pace - The Final FrontierManga Canon2006-08-31
459Once More with ReelingManga Canon2006-09-07
460Home Is Where the Start Is!Manga Canon2006-09-14
461Following a Maiden's VoyageManga Canon2006-09-28
462Two Degrees of SeparationManga Canon2006-09-28
463When Pokémon Worlds CollideManga Canon2006-09-28
464Dawn of a New EraManga Canon2006-10-05
465Gettin' Twiggy With ItManga Canon2006-10-19
466Different Strokes for Different BlokesManga Canon2006-10-26
467Like It or Lup ItFiller2006-11-02
468GymbaliarManga Canon2006-11-09
469Setting the World on its BunearyManga Canon2006-11-16
470Not On My Watch Ya Don'tManga Canon2006-11-30
471Mounting a Coordinator AssaultManga Canon2006-12-07
472Arrival of a RivalManga Canon2006-12-14
473A Staravia Is BornManga Canon2006-12-21
474Leave It to Brocko!Manga Canon2006-12-21
475Shapes of Things to ComeManga Canon2007-01-11
476A Gruff Act to FollowManga Canon2007-01-18
477Wild in the StreetsManga Canon2007-01-25
478O'er the Rampardos We WatchedManga Canon2007-02-01
479Twice Smitten, Once ShyManga Canon2007-02-08
480Mutiny in the BountyManga Canon2007-02-22
481Ya See We Want an EvolutionManga Canon2007-03-01
482Borrowing on Bad FaithManga Canon2007-03-08
483Faced with Steelix DeterminationFiller2007-03-15
484Cooking Up a Sweet StoryFiller2007-03-29
485Oh Do You Know the Poffin PlanManga Canon2007-03-29
486Getting the Pre-Contest TittersManga Canon2007-04-05
487Settling a Not-So-Old ScoreManga Canon2007-04-05
488Drifloon on the WindManga Canon2007-04-12
489The Champ TwinsManga Canon2007-04-12
490Some Enchanted SweeteningManga Canon2007-04-19
491The Grass-type Is Always GreenerManga Canon2007-04-26
492An Angry CombeenationManga Canon2007-05-03
493All Dressed Up With Somewhere to GoManga Canon2007-05-10
494Buizel Your Way Out of ThisManga Canon2007-05-17
495An Elite Meet and GreetManga Canon2007-05-24
496A Secret Sphere of InfluenceManga Canon2007-05-31
497The Grass MenagerieManga Canon2007-06-07
498One Big Happiny FamilyManga Canon2007-06-21
499Steamboat WilliesFiller2007-07-05
500Top-Down TrainingManga Canon2007-07-19
501A Stand-Up Sit-DownManga Canon2007-07-26
502The Electrike CompanyFiller2007-08-09
503Malice in WonderlandFiller2007-08-23
504Mass Hip-Po-SisManga Canon2007-08-23
505Ill-Will HuntingManga Canon2007-08-30
506A Maze-ing RaceManga Canon2007-09-13
507Sandshrew's LockerManga Canon2007-09-27
508Dawn's Early Night!Manga Canon2007-10-04
509Tag! We're ItManga Canon2007-10-04
510Glory BlazeManga Canon2007-10-18
511Smells Like Team SpiritManga Canon2007-10-25
512Tears for FearsManga Canon2007-11-08
513Once There Were GreenfieldsManga Canon2007-11-15
514Throwing the Track SwitchManga Canon2007-11-22
515The Keystone PopsFiller2007-11-29
516Bibarel Gnaws BestFiller2007-11-29
517Nosing 'Round the MountainFiller2007-12-06
518Luxray VisionFiller2007-12-13
519Journey to the UnownManga Canon2007-12-20
520Team ShockerManga Canon2007-12-20
521Tanks for the MemoriesManga Canon2008-01-10
522Hot Springing a LeakManga Canon2008-01-17
523Riding the Winds of ChangeManga Canon2008-01-24
524Sleight of SandManga Canon2008-01-31
525Lost Leader StrategyManga Canon2008-02-07
526Crossing the Battle LineManga Canon2008-02-14
527A Triple Fighting ChanceManga Canon2008-02-28
528Enter GalacticManga Canon2008-03-06
529The Bells Are SingingFiller2008-03-13
530Crossing PathsManga Canon2008-04-03
531Pika and GoliathManga Canon2008-04-03
532Our Cup Runneth OverManga Canon2008-04-17
533A Full Course Tag BattleManga Canon2008-04-24
534Staging a Heroes' WelcomeManga Canon2008-05-08
535Pruning a Passel of PalsManga Canon2008-05-08
536Strategy With a SmileManga Canon2008-05-15
537The Thief That Keeps On ThievingManga Canon2008-05-22
538Chim-CharredManga Canon2008-05-29
539Cream of the Croagunk Crop!Manga Canon2008-06-05
540Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part 1Manga Canon2008-03-20
541Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part 2Manga Canon2008-03-20
542A Crasher Course in Power!Manga Canon2008-06-19
543Hungry for the Good Life!Manga Canon2008-07-03
544Fighting Fear With FearManga Canon2008-07-03
545Arriving in StyleManga Canon2008-07-10
546The Psyduck Stops Here!Manga Canon2008-07-24
547Camping It Up!Manga Canon2008-08-07
548Up Close and PersonableManga Canon2008-08-14
549Ghoul DazeManga Canon2008-08-21
550One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team!Manga Canon2008-08-28
551A Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine!Manga Canon2008-09-04
552Playing the Leveling FieldManga Canon2008-09-11
553Doc BrockManga Canon2008-09-25
554Battling the Generation GapManga Canon2008-09-25
555Losing Its Lustrous!Manga Canon2008-10-02
556A Double Team TurnoverManga Canon2008-10-02
557If the Scarf Fits, Wear ItManga Canon2008-10-16
558A Trainer and Child ReunionManga Canon2008-10-23
559Aiding the EnemyManga Canon2008-10-30
560Barry's Busting Out All OverManga Canon2008-11-06
561Shield With a TwistManga Canon2008-11-13
562Jumping Rocket ShipAnime Canon2008-11-20
563Sleepless in Pre-BattleManga Canon2008-12-04
564Get Your Rotom RunningManga Canon2008-12-04
565A Breed StampedeManga Canon2008-12-11
566Ancient Family MattersManga Canon2008-12-18
567Dealing With Defensive TypesManga Canon2008-12-25
568Leading a StrayManga Canon2009-01-08
569Steeling Peace of MindManga Canon2009-01-15
570Saving the World from Ruins!Manga Canon2009-01-22
571Cheers on Castaways Isle!Manga Canon2009-01-29
572Hold the Phione!Manga Canon2009-02-05
573Another One Gabites the Dust!Manga Canon2009-02-12
574Stealing the Conversation!Filler2009-02-19
575The Drifting Snorunt!Filler2009-02-26
576Noodles! Roamin' Off!Manga Canon2009-03-05
577Pursuing a Lofty Goal!Manga Canon2009-03-12
578Trials and Adulations!Manga Canon2009-03-26
579The Lonely Snover!Manga Canon2009-04-02
580Stopped in the Name of Love!Manga Canon2009-04-02
581Old Rivals, New Tricks!Manga Canon2009-04-16
582To Thine Own Pokémon Be True!Manga Canon2009-04-23
583Battling a Cute Drama!Filler2009-04-30
584Classroom Training!Manga Canon2009-05-07
585Sliding Into SeventhManga Canon2009-05-14
586A Pyramiding Rage!Manga Canon2009-05-21
587Pillars of Friendship!Manga Canon2009-05-28
588Frozen on the Tracks!Manga Canon2009-06-04
589Pedal to the Mettle!Manga Canon2009-06-11
590Evolving Strategies!Manga Canon2009-06-18
591Uncrushing Defeat!Manga Canon2009-06-25
592Promoting Healthy Tangrowth!Manga Canon2009-07-02
593Beating the Bustle and Hustle!Filler2009-07-09
594Gateway to Ruin!Manga Canon2009-07-23
595Three Sides to Every Story!Manga Canon2009-08-06
596Strategy Begins at Home!Manga Canon2009-08-13
597A Faux Oak Finish!Manga Canon2009-08-20
598Historical Mystery Tour!Manga Canon2009-08-27
599Challenging a Towering Figure!Manga Canon2009-09-03
600Where No Togepi Has Gone Before!Manga Canon2009-09-10
601An Egg Scramble!Manga Canon2009-09-17
602Gone with the Windworks!Manga Canon2009-09-17
603A Rivalry to Gible On!Manga Canon2009-10-01
604Dressed for Jess Success!Manga Canon2009-10-01
605Bagged Then Tagged!Manga Canon2009-10-15
606Try For the Family Stone!Filler2009-10-22
607Sticking with Who You Know!Filler2009-10-29
608Unlocking the Red Chain of Events!Manga Canon2009-11-05
609The Needs of the Three!Manga Canon2009-11-12
610The Battle Finale of Legend!Manga Canon2009-11-12
611The Treasure Is All Mine!Manga Canon2009-11-26
612Mastering Current Events!Manga Canon2009-12-03
613Double-Time Battle Training!Manga Canon2009-12-10
614A Meteoric Rise to Excellence!Manga Canon2009-12-17
615Gotta Get a Gible!Manga Canon2009-12-24
616Regaining the Home Advantage!Filler2010-01-07
617Short and to the Punch!Manga Canon2010-01-14
618A Marathon Rivalry!Manga Canon2010-01-21
619Yes in Dee Dee, It's Dawn!Manga Canon2010-01-28
620Playing the Performance Encore!Manga Canon2010-02-04
621Fighting Ire With Fire!Manga Canon2010-02-11
622Piplup, Up and Away!Manga Canon2010-02-18
623Flint Sparks the Fire!Manga Canon2010-02-25
624The Fleeing Tower of Sunyshore!Manga Canon2010-03-04
625Teaching the Student Teacher!Manga Canon2010-03-11
626Pokémon Ranger: Heatran Rescue!Manga Canon2010-03-18
627Keeping in Top Forme!Manga Canon2010-03-18
628An Elite Coverup!Manga Canon2010-04-01
629Dawn of a Royal Day!Manga Canon2010-04-01
630With the Easiest of Grace!Manga Canon2010-04-15
631Dealing with a Fierce Double Ditto Drama!Filler2010-04-22
632Last Call—First Round!Manga Canon2010-04-29
633Opposites Interact!Manga Canon2010-05-06
634Coming Full-Festival Circle!Manga Canon2010-05-13
635A Grand Fight for Winning!Manga Canon2010-05-20
636For the Love of Meowth!Manga Canon2010-05-27
637The Eighth Wonder of the Sinnoh World!Manga Canon2010-06-03
638Four Roads Diverged in a Pokémon Port!Manga Canon2010-06-10
639Bucking the Treasure Trend!Manga Canon2010-06-17
640An Old Family Blend!Manga Canon2010-06-24
641League Unleashed!Manga Canon2010-07-01
642Casting a Paul on Barry!Manga Canon2010-07-15
643Working on a Right Move!Manga Canon2010-07-22
644Familiarity Breeds Strategy!Manga Canon2010-08-05
645A Real Rival Rouser!Manga Canon2010-08-12
646Battling a Thaw in Relations!Manga Canon2010-08-19
647The Semi-Final Frontier!Manga Canon2010-08-26
648The Brockster Is In!Manga Canon2010-09-02
649Memories Are Made of BlissManga Canon2010-09-09
650In the Shadow of Zekrom!Manga Canon2010-09-23
651Enter Iris and Axew!Manga Canon2010-09-23
652A Sandile Gusher of Change!Manga Canon2010-09-30
653The Battle Club and Tepig's Choice!Manga Canon2010-10-07
654Triple Leaders, Team Threats!Manga Canon2010-10-14
655Dreams by the Yard Full!Manga Canon2010-10-21
656Snivy Plays Hard to Catch!Manga Canon2010-10-28
657Saving Darmanitan from the Bell!Filler2010-11-04
658The Bloom Is On Axew!Manga Canon2010-11-11
659A Rival Battle for Club Champ!Manga Canon2010-11-18
660A Home for Dwebble!Manga Canon2010-12-02
661Here Comes the Trubbish Squad!Manga Canon2010-12-09
662Minccino—Neat and Tidy!Manga Canon2010-12-16
663A Night in the Nacrene City Museum!Manga Canon2010-12-23
664The Battle According to Lenora!Manga Canon2011-01-06
665Rematch at the Nacrene Gym!Manga Canon2011-01-13
666Scraggy—Hatched to Be Wild!Manga Canon2011-01-20
667Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest!Manga Canon2011-01-27
668A Connoisseur's Revenge!Manga Canon2011-02-17
669Dancing With the Ducklett Trio!Manga Canon2011-02-24
670The Lost World of Gothitelle!Manga Canon2011-03-03
671A Venipede Stampede!Manga Canon2011-03-10
672Battling for the Love of Bug-Types!Manga Canon2011-03-17
673Emolga the Irresistible!Manga Canon2011-03-24
674Emolga and the New Volt Switch!Manga Canon2011-03-31
675Scare at the Litwick Mansion!Filler2011-04-07
676The Dragon Master's Path!Manga Canon2011-04-14
677Oshawott's Lost Scalchop!Manga Canon2011-04-21
678Cottonee in Love!Filler2011-04-28
679A UFO for Elgyem!Filler2011-05-05
680Ash and Trip's Third Battle!Manga Canon2011-05-12
681Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open!Manga Canon2011-05-19
682Iris and Excadrill Against the Dragon Buster!Manga Canon2011-05-26
683Gotta Catch a Roggenrola!Manga Canon2011-06-02
684Where Did You Go, Audino?Filler2011-06-09
685Archeops in the Modern World!Manga Canon2011-06-16
686A Fishing Connoisseur in a Fishy Competition!Manga Canon2011-06-23
687Movie Time! Zorua in 'The Legend of the Pokémon Knight!'Manga Canon2011-06-30
688Reunion Battles in Nimbasa!Manga Canon2011-07-07
689Cilan Versus Trip, Ash Versus Georgia!Manga Canon2011-07-21
690The Club Battle Hearts of Fury: Emolga Versus Sawk!Manga Canon2011-08-04
691Club Battle Finale: A Hero's Outcome!Manga Canon2011-08-11
692Meowth's Scrafty Tactics!Manga Canon2011-08-18
693Purrloin, Sweet or Sneaky?Manga Canon2011-08-25
694Beheeyem, Duosion, and the Dream Thief!Manga Canon2011-09-01
695The Beartic Mountain Feud!Manga Canon2011-09-08
696Crisis From the Underground Up!Manga Canon2011-09-15
697Battle for the Underground!Manga Canon2011-09-15
698Enter Elesa, Electrifying Gym Leader!Manga Canon2011-09-22
699Dazzling the Nimbasa Gym!Manga Canon2011-09-29
700Lost at the Stamp Rally!Manga Canon2011-10-06
701Ash Versus the Champion!Manga Canon2011-10-13
702A Maractus Musical!Filler2011-10-27
703The Four Seasons of Sawsbuck!Filler2011-11-03
704Scraggy and the Demanding Gothita!Filler2011-11-10
705The Lonely Deino!Manga Canon2011-11-24
706The Mighty Accelguard to the Rescue!Manga Canon2011-12-01
707A Call for Brotherly Love!Manga Canon2011-12-08
708Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 1Manga Canon2011-12-15
709Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 2Manga Canon2011-12-22
710Battling the King of the Mines!Manga Canon2012-01-05
711Crisis at Chargestone Cave!Manga Canon2012-01-12
712Evolution Exchange Excitement!Manga Canon2012-01-19
713Explorers of the Hero's Ruin!Manga Canon2012-01-26
714Battling the Bully!Manga Canon2012-02-02
715Baffling the Bouffalant!Filler2012-02-16
716Cilan Takes Flight!Manga Canon2012-02-23
717An Amazing Aerial Battle!Manga Canon2012-03-01
718Climbing the Tower of Success!Manga Canon2012-03-08
719The Clubsplosion Begins!Manga Canon2012-03-15
720Search for the Clubultimate!Manga Canon2012-03-22
721A Clubsplosion of Excitement!Manga Canon2012-03-29
722Commanding the Clubsplosion Crown!Manga Canon2012-04-05
723Battling the Leaf Thieves!Manga Canon2012-04-12
724A Restoration Confrontation! Part 1Manga Canon2012-04-19
725A Restoration Confrontation! Part 2Manga Canon2012-04-26
726Evolution by Fire!Manga Canon2012-05-03
727Guarding the Guardian of the Mountain!Manga Canon2012-05-10
728Caution: Icy Battle Conditions!Manga Canon2012-05-17
729Clash of the Connoisseurs!Manga Canon2012-05-24
730Crisis at Ferroseed Research!Manga Canon2012-05-31
731An Epic Defense Force!Manga Canon2012-06-07
732Rocking the Virbank Gym! Part 1Manga Canon2012-06-14
733Rocking the Virbank Gym! Part 2Manga Canon2012-06-14
734All for the Love of Meloetta!Manga Canon2012-06-21
735Piplup, Pansage, and a Meeting of the Times!Manga Canon2012-06-28
736Expedition to Onix Island!Manga Canon2012-07-05
737The Mystery of the Missing Cubchoo!Filler2012-07-19
738Iris and the Rogue Dragonite!Manga Canon2012-07-26
739Jostling for the Junior Cup!Manga Canon2012-08-02
740Battling Authority Once Again!Manga Canon2012-08-23
741Ash, Iris and Trip: Then There Were Three!Manga Canon2012-08-30
742Goodbye, Juinor Cup—Hello, Adventure!Manga Canon2012-09-06
743The Road to Humilau!Manga Canon2012-09-13
744Unrest at the Nursery!Filler2012-09-20
745Meloetta and the Undersea Temple!Manga Canon2012-09-27
746Unova's Survival Crisis!Manga Canon2012-10-04
747Beauties Battling for Pride and Prestige!Filler2012-10-11
748A Surface to Air Tag Battle Team!Filler2012-10-18
749A Village Homecoming!Manga Canon2012-10-25
750Drayden Versus Iris: Past, Present, and Future!Manga Canon2012-11-08
751Team Eevee and the Rescue Squad!Manga Canon2012-11-15
752Curtain Up, Unova League!Manga Canon2012-11-22
753Mission: Defeat Your Rival!Manga Canon2012-11-29
754Lost at the League!Manga Canon2012-12-06
755Strong Strategy Steals the Show!Manga Canon2012-12-13
756Cameron's Secret Weapon!Manga Canon2012-12-20
757A Unova League Evolution!Manga Canon2013-01-10
758New Places...Familiar Faces!Manga Canon2013-01-17
759The Name's N!Manga Canon2013-01-24
760There's a New Gym Leader in Town!Manga Canon2013-01-31
761Team Plasma's Pokémon Power Plot!Manga Canon2013-02-07
762The Light of Floccesy Ranch!Manga Canon2013-02-14
763Saving Braviary!Manga Canon2013-02-21
764The Pokémon Harbor Patrol!Manga Canon2013-02-28
765The Fires of a Red-Hot Reunion!Manga Canon2013-03-07
766Team Plasma's Pokémon Manipulation!Manga Canon2013-03-14
767Secrets From Out of the Fog!Manga Canon2013-03-21
768Meowth, Colress, and Team Rivalry!Manga Canon2013-03-28
769Ash and N: A Clash of Ideals!Manga Canon2013-04-04
770Team Plasma and the Awakening Ceremony!Manga Canon2013-04-11
771What Lies Beyond Truth and Ideals!Manga Canon2013-04-18
772Farewell, Unova! Setting Sail for New Adventures!Manga Canon2013-04-25
773Danger, Sweet as Honey!Manga Canon2013-05-02
774Cilan and the Case of the Purrloin Witness!Filler2013-05-09
775Crowning the Scalchop King!Manga Canon2013-05-16
776The Island of Illusions!Filler2013-05-23
777To Catch a Rotom!Manga Canon2013-05-30
778The Pirates of Decolore!Filler2013-06-06
779Butterfree and Me!Manga Canon2013-06-13
780The Path That Lead to Goodbye!Manga Canon2013-06-20
781Searching For a Wish!Filler2013-06-27
782Capacia Island UFO!Filler2013-07-04
783The Journalist from Another Region!Manga Canon2013-07-18
784Mystery on a Deserted Island!Manga Canon2013-07-25
785A Pokémon of a Different Color!Manga Canon2013-08-01
786Celebrating the Hero's Comet!Manga Canon2013-08-15
787Go, Go, Gogoat!Filler2013-08-22
788Team Rocket's Shocking Recruit!Manga Canon2013-09-05
789Survival of the Striaton Gym!Manga Canon2013-09-12
790Best Wishes Until We Meet Again!Manga Canon2013-09-19
791The Dream Continues!Manga Canon2013-09-26
792Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!Manga Canon2013-10-17
793Lumiose City Pursuit!Manga Canon2013-10-17
794A Battle of Aerial Mobility!Manga Canon2013-10-24
795A Shockingly Cheeky Friendship!Manga Canon2013-10-31
796A Blustery Santalune Gym Battle!Manga Canon2013-11-07
797Battling on Thin Ice!Manga Canon2013-11-14
798Giving Chase at the Rhyhorn Race!Manga Canon2013-11-21
799Grooming Furfrou!Filler2013-11-28
800Clemont's Got a Secret!Manga Canon2013-12-05
801Mega-Mega Meowth Madness!Manga Canon2013-12-12
802The Bamboozling Forest!Manga Canon2013-12-19
803To Catch a Pokémon Smuggler!Manga Canon2014-01-09
804Kindergarten Chaos!Manga Canon2014-01-16
805Seeking Shelter from the Storm!Filler2014-01-30
806An Appetite for Battle!Filler2014-02-06
807A Jolting Switcheroo!Filler2014-02-13
808A Rush of Ninja Wisdom!Manga Canon2014-02-20
809Awakening the Sleeping Giant!Filler2014-02-27
810A Conspiracy to Conquer!Manga Canon2014-03-13
811Breaking Titles at the Chateau!Manga Canon2014-03-20
812A Pokévision of Things to Come!Manga Canon2014-03-27
813Going for the Gold!Manga Canon2014-04-10
814Coming Back into the Cold!Manga Canon2014-04-17
815Climbing the Walls!Manga Canon2014-04-24
816A Battle by Any Other Name!Manga Canon2014-05-08
817To Find a Fairy Flower!Filler2014-05-15
818The Bonds of Evolution!Manga Canon2014-05-22
819Heroes–Friends and Faux Alike!Filler2014-05-29
820Mega Revelations!Manga Canon2014-05-29
821The Cave of Trials!Manga Canon2014-06-05
822The Aura Storm!Manga Canon2014-06-12
823Calling from Beyond the Aura!Manga Canon2014-06-19
824The Bonds of Mega Evolution!Manga Canon2014-07-03
825The Forest Champion!Manga Canon2014-07-10
826Battles in the Sky!Manga Canon2014-07-24
827The Cave of Mirrors!Manga Canon2014-07-31
828Forging Forest Friendships!Manga Canon2014-08-07
829Summer of Discovery!Manga Canon2014-08-14
830Day Three Blockbusters!Manga Canon2014-08-21
831Foggy Pokémon Orienteering!Manga Canon2014-08-28
832Battling into the Hall of Fame!Manga Canon2014-09-04
833Origins of Mega Evolution!Manga Canon2014-09-18
834Showdown at the Shalour Gym!Manga Canon2014-09-25
835Splitting Heirs!Manga Canon2014-10-02
836The Clumsy Crier Quiets the Chaos!Filler2014-10-09
837Dreaming a Performer's Dream!Manga Canon2014-10-16
838A Campus Reunion!Manga Canon2014-10-23
839Bonnie for the Defense!Filler2014-10-30
840Pathways to Performance Partnering!Manga Canon2014-11-13
841When Light and Dark Collide!Filler2014-11-27
842An Undersea Place to Call Home!Manga Canon2014-11-20
843A Stealthy Challenge!Manga Canon2014-12-11
844A Race for Home!Manga Canon2014-12-18
845Facing the Grand Design!Manga Canon2014-12-25
846A Slippery Encounter!Manga Canon2015-01-08
847One for the Goomy!Manga Canon2015-01-15
848Thawing an Icy Panic!Manga Canon2015-01-22
849The Green, Green Grass-Types of Home!Manga Canon2015-01-29
850Under the Pledging Tree!Manga Canon2015-02-05
851A Showcase Debut!Manga Canon2015-02-12
852An Oasis of Hope!Manga Canon2015-02-19
853The Future Is Now, Thanks to Determination!Manga Canon2015-02-26
854A Fork in the Road! A Parting of the Ways!Manga Canon2015-03-05
855Battling with Elegance and a Big Smile!Manga Canon2015-03-12
856Good Friends, Great Training!Manga Canon2015-03-26
857Confronting the Darkness!Manga Canon2015-04-02
858The Moment of Lumiose Truth!Manga Canon2015-04-09
859Garchomp's Mega Bond!Manga Canon2015-04-16
860Defending the Homeland!Manga Canon2015-04-23
861Beyond the Rainbow!Manga Canon2015-04-30
862So You're Having a Bad Day!Filler2015-05-07
863Scary Hospitality!Manga Canon2015-05-14
864A Fashionable Battle!Manga Canon2015-05-21
865Fairy-Type Trickery!Manga Canon2015-05-28
866Rivals: Today and Tomorrow!Manga Canon2015-06-04
867A Not-So-Flying Start!Manga Canon2015-06-11
868A Relay in the Sky!Manga Canon2015-06-18
869A Frenzy Factory Fiasco!Manga Canon2015-06-25
870Performing with Fiery Charm!Manga Canon2015-07-02
871Rotom's Wish!Manga Canon2015-07-09
872A Festival Trade! A Festival Farewell?Manga Canon2015-07-23
873Over the Mountain of Snow!Filler2015-07-30
874Adventures in Running Errands!Filler2015-08-13
875Mending a Broken Spirit!Manga Canon2015-08-20
876A Legendary Photo Op!Manga Canon2015-08-27
877The Tiny Caretaker!Filler2015-09-10
878A Trip Down Memory Train!Manga Canon2015-09-17
879A Frolicking Find in the Flowers!Manga Canon2015-09-24
880Lights! Camera! Pika!Filler2015-06-18
881Tag Team Inspiration!Manga Canon2015-10-01
882A Performance Pop Quiz!Manga Canon2015-10-08
883Cloudy Fate, Bright Future!Manga Canon2015-10-15
884All Eyes on the Future!Manga Canon2015-10-22
885From A to Z!Manga Canon2015-10-29
886Love Strikes! Eevee, Yikes!Filler2015-11-05
887A Giga Battle with Mega Results!Filler2015-11-12
888A Fiery Rite of Passage!Filler2015-11-19
889Dream a Little Dream from Me!Filler2015-11-26
890The Legend of the Ninja Hero!Manga Canon2015-12-03
891A Festival of Decisions!Manga Canon2015-12-10
892A Dancing Debut!Manga Canon2015-12-17
893Meeting at Terminus Cave!Manga Canon2015-12-24
894A Cellular Connection!Manga Canon2016-01-14
895A Windswept Encounter!Manga Canon2016-01-21
896Party Dancecapades!Manga Canon2016-01-28
897A Meeting of Two Journeys!Manga Canon2016-02-04
898An Explosive Operation!Manga Canon2016-02-11
899A Watershed Moment!Filler2016-02-18
900Master Class Choices!Manga Canon2016-02-25
901An Electrifying Rage!Manga Canon2016-03-03
902Unlocking Some Respect!Filler2016-03-10
903Master Class Is in Session!Manga Canon2016-03-17
904Performing a Pathway to the Future!Manga Canon2016-03-24
905A Keeper for Keeps?Manga Canon2016-04-07
906Battling at Full Volume!Manga Canon2016-04-14
907The Synchronicity Test!Manga Canon2016-04-21
908Making Friends and Influencing Villians!Filler2016-04-28
909Championing a Research Battle!Manga Canon2016-05-05
910A Full-Strength Battle Surprise!Manga Canon2016-05-12
911All Hail the Ice Battlefield!Manga Canon2016-05-19
912Seeing the Forest for the Trees!Manga Canon2016-05-26
913A Real Icebreaker!Manga Canon2016-06-02
914A Diamond in the Rough!Filler2016-06-09
915A Gaggle of Gadget Greatness!Filler2016-06-16
916A League of His Own!Manga Canon2016-06-30
917Valuable Experience for All!Manga Canon2016-07-07
918Analysis Versus Passion!Manga Canon2016-07-21
919A Riveting Rivalry!Manga Canon2016-07-28
920Kalos League Passion with a Certain Flare!Manga Canon2016-08-04
921Finals Not for the Faint-Hearted!Manga Canon2016-08-11
922Down to the Fiery Finish!Manga Canon2016-08-18
923A Towering Takeover!Manga Canon2016-08-25
924Coming Apart at the Dreams!Manga Canon2016-09-01
925The Right Hero for the Right Job!Manga Canon2016-09-08
926Rocking Kalos Defenses!Manga Canon2016-09-15
927Forming a More Perfect Union!Manga Canon2016-09-15
928Battling with a Clean Slate!Manga Canon2016-10-06
929The First Day of the Rest of Your Life!Manga Canon2016-10-13
930Facing the Needs of the Many!Manga Canon2016-10-20
931Till We Compete Again!Manga Canon2016-10-27
932The Legend of X, Y, and Z!Manga Canon2016-11-03
933Alola to New Adventure!Manga Canon2016-11-17
934The Guardian's Challenge!Manga Canon2016-11-17
935Loading the Dex!Manga Canon2016-11-24
936First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style!Manga Canon2016-11-24
937Yo, Ho, Ho! Go, Popplio!Manga Canon2016-12-01
938A Shocking Grocery Run!Filler2016-12-08
939That's Why the Litten Is a Scamp!Manga Canon2016-12-15
940Lillie's Egg-Xhilarating Challenge!Manga Canon2016-12-22
941To Top a Totem!Manga Canon2017-01-05
942Trial and Tribulation!Manga Canon2017-01-12
943Young Kiawe Had a Farm!Filler2017-01-19
944The Sun, the Scare, the Secret Lair!Manga Canon2017-01-26
945Racing to a Big Event!Manga Canon2017-02-02
946Getting to Know You!Manga Canon2017-02-09
947Rocking Clawmark Hill!Manga Canon2017-02-23
948They Might Not Be Giants!Filler2017-03-02
949Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!Manga Canon2017-03-09
950A Seasoned Search!Manga Canon2017-03-16
951A Guardian Rematch!Manga Canon2017-03-23
952Partner Promises!Manga Canon2017-04-06
953One Journey Ends, Another Begins...Manga Canon2017-04-06
954A Shivering Shovel Search!Manga Canon2017-04-13
955Getting the Band Back Together!Filler2017-04-20
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957A Team-on-Team Tussle!Manga Canon2017-05-04
958So Long, Sophocles!Manga Canon2017-05-11
959A Glaring Rivalry!Manga Canon2017-05-18
960Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper!Filler2017-05-25
961Lulled to La-La Land!Filler2017-06-08
962The Ol' Raise and Switch!Manga Canon2017-06-15
963The Island Whisperer!Manga Canon2017-06-22
964Treasure Hunt, Akala Style!Manga Canon2017-06-29
965Big Sky, Small Fry!Manga Canon2017-07-06
966A Crowning Moment of Truth!Manga Canon2017-07-20
967Currying Favor and Flavor!Manga Canon2017-07-27
968Trials and Determinations!Manga Canon2017-08-03
969Rising from the Ruins!Manga Canon2017-08-10
970Mimikyu Unmasked!Manga Canon2017-08-17
971Mallow and the Forest Teacher!Manga Canon2017-08-24
972Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence!Manga Canon2017-08-31
973Mounting an Electrifying Charge!Manga Canon2017-09-07
974Alola, Kanto!Manga Canon2017-09-14
975When Regions Collide!Manga Canon2017-09-21
976A Dream Encounter!Manga Canon2017-10-05
977Now You See Them, Now You Don't!Manga Canon2017-10-12
978Deceiving Appearances!Manga Canon2017-10-19
979A Masked Warning!Manga Canon2017-10-26
980Night of a Thousand Poses!Manga Canon2017-11-02
981Mission: Total Recall!Manga Canon2017-11-09
982Faba's Revenge!Manga Canon2017-11-16
983Family Determination!Manga Canon2017-11-23
984Revealing the Stuff of Legend!Manga Canon2017-11-30
985Rescuing the Unwilling!Manga Canon2017-12-07
98610,000,000 Reasons to Fight!Manga Canon2017-12-14
987The Professors' New Adventure!Manga Canon2017-12-21
988Let Sleeping Pokémon Lie!Manga Canon2017-12-28
989The Dex Can't Help It!Filler2018-01-11
990Fighting Back The Tears!Manga Canon2018-01-18
991Tasting the Bitter with the Sweet!Manga Canon2018-01-25
992Getting a Jump on the Competition!Manga Canon2018-02-01
993A Mission of Ultra Urgency!Manga Canon2018-02-08
994Acting True to Form!Manga Canon2018-02-15
995Pushing the Fiery Envelope!Manga Canon2018-02-22
996Turning Heads and Training Hard!Manga Canon2018-03-08
997Smashing with Sketch!Manga Canon2018-03-15
998Love at First Twirl!Manga Canon2018-03-22
999Real Life...Inquire Within!Manga Canon2018-04-05
1000Rise and Shine, Starship!Manga Canon2018-04-12
1001The Young Flame Strikes Back!Manga Canon2018-04-19
1002Dewpider Ascending!Filler2018-04-26
1003Sours for the Sweet!Manga Canon2018-04-26
1004Why Not Give Me a Z-Ring Sometime?Manga Canon2018-05-03
1005Tough Guy Trials!Manga Canon2018-05-10
1006Some Kind of Laziness!Manga Canon2018-05-17
1007A Battle Hand-Off!Manga Canon2018-05-24
1008Guiding an Awakening!Manga Canon2018-05-31
1009Twirling with a Bang!Manga Canon2018-06-07
1010Showering the World with Love!Manga Canon2018-06-14
1011Not Caving Under Pressure!Manga Canon2018-06-28
1012A Young Royal Flame Ignites!Manga Canon2018-07-05
1013All They Want to Do Is Dance, Dance!Manga Canon2018-07-19
1014Dummy, You Shrunk the Kids!Filler2018-07-26
1015The Shape of Love to Come!Manga Canon2018-08-02
1016The Long Vault Home!Manga Canon2018-08-09
1017I Choose Paradise!Filler2018-08-16
1018Filling the Light with Darkness!Manga Canon2018-08-23
1019Full Moon and Many Arms!Manga Canon2018-08-30
1020The Prism Between Light and Darkness!Manga Canon2018-09-06
1021Securing the Future!Manga Canon2018-09-13
1022A Plethora of Pikachu!Manga Canon2018-10-07
1023Turning the Other Mask!Manga Canon2018-10-14
1024Lillier and the Staff!Filler2018-10-21
1025A Haunted House for Everyone!Manga Canon2018-10-28
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1027Don't Ignore the Small Stufful!Manga Canon2018-11-11
1028No Stone Unturned!Manga Canon2018-11-18
1029Bright Lights, Big Changes!Manga Canon2018-11-25
1030We Know Where You're Going, Eevee!Manga Canon2018-12-02
1031Battling the Beast Within!Manga Canon2018-12-09
1032Parallel Friendships!Manga Canon2018-12-16
1033Alola, Alola!Manga Canon2018-12-23
1034Heart of Fire! Heart of Stone!Manga Canon2019-01-06
1035That's Some Spicy Island Research!Manga Canon2019-01-13
1036Showdown on Poni Island!Manga Canon2019-01-20
1037Evolving Research!Manga Canon2019-01-27
1038Run, Heroes, Run!Manga Canon2019-02-03
1039Memories in the Mist!Manga Canon2019-02-10
1040A Grand Debut!Manga Canon2019-02-17
1041Keeping Your Eyes on the Ball!Manga Canon2019-02-24
1042Show Me the Metal!Manga Canon2019-03-03
1043Got Meltan?Manga Canon2019-03-10
1044This Magik Moment!Filler2019-03-17
1045Beauty is Only Crystal Deep!Manga Canon2019-03-24
1046The Dealer of Destruction!Manga Canon2019-03-31
1047The Secret Princess!Manga Canon2019-04-07
1048Drawn with the Wind!Manga Canon2019-04-14
1049Aiming for the Top Floor!Manga Canon2019-04-21
1050A High-Speed Awakening!Manga Canon2019-04-28
1051The One That Didn't Get Away!Manga Canon2019-05-05
1052A Recipe for Success!Manga Canon2019-05-12
1053Spying for the Big Guy!Manga Canon2019-05-19
1054A Fiery Training Camp Trick!Manga Canon2019-05-26
1055Living on the Cutting Edge!Manga Canon2019-06-02
1056A Timeless Encounter!Manga Canon2019-06-09
1057Pikachu’s Exciting Adventure!Filler2019-06-16
1058Chasing Memories, Creating Dreams!Manga Canon2019-06-23
1059League Offenders and Defenders!Manga Canon2019-06-30
1060Battle Royal 151!Manga Canon2019-07-07
1061Battling Besties!Manga Canon2019-07-14
1062The Battlefield of Truth and Love!Manga Canon2019-07-21
1063Imitation Is the Sincerest Form of Strategy!Manga Canon2019-07-28
1064Battling on the Wing!Manga Canon2019-08-04
1065The Road to the Semifinals!Manga Canon2019-08-11
1066The Final Four!Manga Canon2019-08-18
1067Getting Down to the Ire!Manga Canon2019-08-25
1068The Wisdom Not to Run!Manga Canon2019-09-01
1069Final Rivals!Manga Canon2019-09-08
1070Enter the Champion!Manga Canon2019-09-15
1071Z-Move Showdown!Manga Canon2019-09-22
1072Exhibition Unmasked!Manga Canon2019-09-29
1073A Full Battle Bounty!Manga Canon2019-10-06
1074 Fiery Surprises!Manga Canon2019-10-13
1075From Z to Shining Z!Manga Canon2019-10-20
1076Dreaming of the Sun and Moon!Manga Canon2019-10-27
1077Thank You, Alola! The Journey Continues!Manga Canon2019-11-03
1078Enter Pikachu!Manga Canon2019-11-17
1079Legend? Go! Friends? Go!Manga Canon2019-11-24
1080Ivysaur’s Mysterious Tower!Manga Canon2019-12-01
1081Settling the Scorbunny!Manga Canon2019-12-08
1082Mind-Boggling Dynamax!Manga Canon2019-12-15
1083Working My Way Back to Mew!Manga Canon2019-12-22
1084Serving Up the Flute Cup!Manga Canon2019-12-29
1085The Sinnoh Iceberg Race!Mixed Canon/Filler2020-01-12
1086Finding a Legend!Manga Canon2020-01-19
1087A Test in Paradise!Manga Canon2020-01-26
1088Best Friend...Worst Nightmare!Manga Canon2020-02-02
1089Flash of the Titans!Manga Canon2020-02-09
1090The Climb to Be the Very Best!Manga Canon2020-02-16
1091Raid Battle in The Ruins!Manga Canon2020-02-23
1092A Snow Day for Searching!Anime Canon2020-03-01
1093A Chilling Curse!Anime Canon2020-03-08
1094Kicking It from Here into Tomorrow!Anime Canon2020-03-15
1095Destination: Coronation!Anime Canon2020-03-22
1096A Talent for Imitation!Anime Canon2020-03-29
1097Dreams Are Made of These!Anime Canon2020-04-05
1098Caring for a Mystery!Anime Canon2020-04-12
1099Goodbye, Friend!Anime Canon2020-04-19
1100Panic in the Park!Filler2020-06-07
1101A Little Rocket R & R!Mixed Canon/Filler2020-06-14
1102A Festival Reunion!Anime Canon2020-06-21
1103Splash, Dash, and Smash for the Crown! / Slowking's Crowning!Filler2020-06-28
1104Toughing It Out!Anime Canon2020-07-05
1105Sobbing Sobble!Anime Canon2020-07-12
1106There's a New Kid in Town!Anime Canon2020-07-19
1107Betrayed, Bothered, and Beleaguered!Anime Canon2020-07-26
1108The Cuteness Quotient!Anime Canon2020-08-02
1109Time After Time!Anime Canon2020-08-09
1110Trade, Borrow, and Steal!Anime Canon2020-08-16
1111Solitary and Menacing!Anime Canon2020-08-23
1112Gotta Catch a What?!Anime Canon2020-08-30
1113Making Battles in the Sand!Anime Canon2020-09-06
1114That New Old Gang of Mine!Anime Canon2020-09-13
1115Restore and Renew!Anime Canon2020-09-20
1116Octo-Gridlock at the Gym!Anime Canon2020-09-27
1117A Crackling Raid Battle!Anime Canon2020-10-09
1118Pikachu Translation Check... Up to Your Neck!Filler2020-10-16
1119Sword and Shield, Slumbering Weald!Anime Canon2020-10-23
1120Sword and Shield: The Darkest Day!Anime Canon2020-10-30
1121Sword and Shield: "From Here to Eternatus!"Anime Canon2020-11-06
1122Sword and Shield... The Legends Awaken!Anime Canon2020-11-13
1123Getting More Than You Battled For!Anime Canon2020-11-20
1124Crowning the Chow Crusher!Anime Canon2020-11-27
1125A Close Call... Practically!Anime Canon2020-12-04
1126To Train, or Not to Train!Anime Canon2020-12-11
1127A Pinch of This, a Pinch of That!Anime Canon2021-01-08
1128Trials of a Budding Master!Anime Canon2021-01-15
1129How Are You Gonna Keep 'Em Off of the Farm?Anime Canon2021-01-22
1130Healing the Healer!Anime Canon2021-01-29
1131Sobble Spies a Stealthy Strategy!Anime Canon2021-02-05
1132The Tale of You and Glimwood Tangle!Anime Canon2021-02-12
1133Searching for Chivalry!Anime Canon2021-02-19
1134Memories of a Warming Kindness!Anime Canon2021-02-26

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