
RJay's picture


Member for
9 years 6 months


PokémonThe Bridge Bike GangFebruary 6, 2017
PokémonThe Kangaskhan KidFebruary 6, 2017
PokémonThe Flame Pokémon-athon!February 6, 2017
PokémonThe Ninja Poké-ShowdownFebruary 6, 2017
PokémonDig Those Diglett!February 6, 2017
PokémonSparks Fly for MagnemiteFebruary 6, 2017
PokémonThe Punchy PokémonFebruary 6, 2017
PokémonPokémon Fashion FlashFebruary 6, 2017
PokémonHypno's NaptimeFebruary 6, 2017
PokémonPokémon Scent-sation!February 6, 2017
PokémonPrimeape Goes BananasFebruary 6, 2017
PokémonHaunter vs. KadabraFebruary 6, 2017
PokémonThe Tower of TerrorFebruary 6, 2017
PokémonAbra and the Psychic ShowdownFebruary 6, 2017
PokémonBye Bye ButterfreeFebruary 6, 2017
PokémonThe Ghost of Maiden's PeakFebruary 6, 2017
PokémonTentacool & TentacruelFebruary 6, 2017
PokémonIsland of the Giant PokémonFebruary 6, 2017
PokémonPokémon ShipwreckFebruary 6, 2017
PokémonBattle Aboard the St. AnneFebruary 6, 2017



One PieceThe Birth of the Legend! The Adventures of the Revolutionary Warrior Sabo!April 7, 2017
One PieceThe Brothers' Bond! The Untold Story Behind Luffy and Sabo's Reunion!April 7, 2017
One PieceThe Strongest Creature! One of the Four Emperors - Kaido, King of the Beasts!April 7, 2017
One PieceFujitora Takes Action! The Complete Siege of the Straw Hats!April 7, 2017
One PieceA State of Emergency! Rebecca Is Kidnapped!April 7, 2017
One PieceThe Bond Between Father and Daughter! Kyros and Rebecca!April 7, 2017
One PieceMen's Pride! Luffy vs. Fujitora, Head-to-Head!April 7, 2017
One PieceNo Way Out! Admiral Fujitora's Ruthless Pursuit!April 7, 2017
One PieceSons' Cups! Straw Hat Fleet Is Formed!April 7, 2017
One PieceThe Numerous Rivals Struggle Amongst Themselves! The Raging Monsters of the New WorldApril 7, 2017
One PieceThe Sword Technique Heats Up! Law and Zoro Finally Appear!April 7, 2017
One PieceA Desperate Situation! Luffy Fights a Battle in Extreme Heat!April 7, 2017
One PieceCurtain-up on a New Adventure! Arriving at the Phantom Island, Zou!April 7, 2017
One PieceA Deadly Elephant Climb! A Great Adventure on the Back of the Giant Elephant!April 7, 2017
One PieceA Battle Begins! Luffy vs. the Mink Tribe!April 7, 2017
One PieceGarchu! The Straw Hats Reunite!April 7, 2017
One PieceStart to Counterattack! Great Moves by the Twirly Hat Crew!April 7, 2017
One PieceA Threat Descends! The Beast Pirates, Jack!April 7, 2017
One PieceThe King of the Day! Duke Dogstorm Appears!April 7, 2017
One PieceThe King of the Night! Master Cat Viper Emerges!April 7, 2017
