
NeonZ's picture


Member for
9 years 8 months


Sgt. FrogGhost Girl, Before, After/ Giroro, the Red FairyAugust 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogKero Zero: Space Delivery/ Keroro Zero: Eating FormulaAugust 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogKeroro, the Admiral attacks!/Giroro, it's the zipperAugust 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogKeroro, Keron-Style Golf/ Keroro, Run KeroroAugust 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogKeroro Platoon, Keroro of SilenceAugust 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogKeroro, training is Ok!/ Koyuki, shodown! Midsummer Shore August 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogWettleKing versus 556!/ Three Monsters, the smallest showdown on PekoponAugust 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogTamama, it's hard being an veteran/Natsumi, We're all boys!August 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogChibi Kero vs. Chibi FuyukiAugust 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogMomoka, Head over Heels Operation/Giroro, Escape From Natsumi!August 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogKero Zero: Pekoponian Mecha Designer Kiko Katoyama appearsAugust 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogKeroro, Air Anything Operation/ Keroro, MotelAugust 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogTamama, The Wake-Up Kiss is Mine/Pururu, Secret Revealed?!August 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogGiroro, Remote-Controlled Date/Keroro, Pooh in a CaveAugust 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogKeroro, Space Digital Monsters Strikes!/ Keroro, transformAugust 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogKeroro, the Weevil that grants dreams/Keroro, Go, Trash Bag!August 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogBariri in love with the Chief Nurse/ Keroro, gaze at space thinking of motherAugust 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogMomoka, Seat Change Operation/556, My Feelings!August 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogKero Zero: Keroro Platoon's Last Night before Departure/ Kero Zero: Keroro Platoon's First MissionAugust 17, 2015
Sgt. FrogKoyuki, Cherry Blossom MayhemAugust 17, 2015



Sgt. FrogKerokero, Military Operation Number 100August 14, 2015
Sgt. FrogKeroro, Always! Planet Ad's HeavenAugust 14, 2015
Sgt. FrogChiruyo, Marking White Day/Fuyuki, plan your usageAugust 14, 2015
Sgt. FrogGiroro, time to departAugust 14, 2015
Sgt. FrogArisa, Alien versus MonsterAugust 14, 2015
Sgt. FrogKoyuki, Jidaigeki Wonderland/ Keroro jumps to ChubeiAugust 14, 2015
Sgt. FrogPaul, a Butler's Honor/ Giroro, who gave me this?August 14, 2015
Sgt. FrogPluto, Do you Remember it?August 14, 2015
Sgt. FrogUrere, the salesman invader/ Keroro, And Then Nonetheless There Were NoneAugust 14, 2015
Sgt. FrogKeroro, the Legend of the Iron Mask, the Mystery of the Big EarsAugust 14, 2015
Sgt. FrogKeroro miracle!? Keroro's father/ Hinata House submerged?!August 14, 2015
Sgt. FrogKeroro, give me back my new year!/ Giroro, let's start working on the Pekopon Invasion!August 14, 2015
Sgt. FrogKeroro, give me back my new year!/ Giroro, let's start working on the Pekopon Invasion!August 14, 2015
Sgt. FrogKeroro Platoon, Super Tax Returns Operation/ Keroro, a certain man's fightAugust 14, 2015
Sgt. Frog556, Okutokyo is a man's battlefieldAugust 14, 2015
Sgt. FrogKeroro, Keroro Show/ Fuyuki & Chiruyo, KGS ReturnsAugust 14, 2015
Sgt. FrogKeroro, it's an Excursion until you say "I'm home!"/ Keroro, sukiyaki of love and sorrowAugust 14, 2015
Sgt. FrogAki, war at hot springs/ Keroro, Go! KeroropanAugust 14, 2015
Sgt. FrogKarara & Chiroro, The Shichi-Go-San of Nagomi/ Keroro, it's only one grain leftAugust 14, 2015
Sgt. FrogKeroro, if you have a cold, why don't you get a dub voice?/ Fuyuki & Kululu go to AkihabaraAugust 14, 2015
