
Moguel's picture


Member for
10 years 3 months


Sailor MoonChibiusa's Little Rhapsody of LoveJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonThe Secret of Pegasus: The Handsome Guardian of the Dream WorldJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonPegasus is Gone?! Swinging FriendshipsJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonDon't Lose Your Dreams: The Truth-Reflecting MirrorJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonOver the Fear: Jump to FreedomJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonConfrontation in Dreams: Minako and Makoto's Broken FriendshipJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonA Dentist of Terror? PallaPalla's HouseJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonBurning Passion: Mars's Furious Deadly AttackJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonTrue Power Explodes: Ami's Song of the HeartJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonAmazoness! Nightmare from Behind the MirrorJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonMirror of Dreams: Amazons' Final StageJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonShadows of the Great Evil: The Trio is CorneredJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonThe Fated Partner? Makoto's InnocenceJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonHoliday in Juban City: A Carefree PrincessJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonAim for the Prima: Usagi's BalletJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonSparkling Summer Days: Ami, the Girl in the Ocean BreezeJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonTime to Believe in Pegasus: The Super Transformations of the Four GuardiansJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonMansion of Secrets: The Menu of Love to YouJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonStorm of Love: Minako's Grand Two-Timing PlanJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonLove Those Minis: The Fashionable GuardiansJanuary 5, 2015



Digimon AdventureDigimon: The Great Crossing of TokyoAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureMammon: the Great Clash at Hikarigaoka!August 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Chase! Hurry to JapanAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureVamdemon, the Castle of DarknessAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureSora’s Crest of LoveAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventurePrincess KaraokeAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureNo Questions, PleaseAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureWereGarurumon's DinerAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureForget About It!August 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureHome Away From HomeAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Earthquake of MetalGreymonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Prisoner of the PyramidAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Piximon ComethAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Crest of SincerityAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Arrival of SkullgreymonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Dark Network of EtemonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureDeparture for a New ContinentAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Legend of the DigiDestinedAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureDigiBaby BoomAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Dancing DigimonAugust 13, 2015
