
Moguel's picture


Member for
10 years 3 months


Sailor MoonThe Light of Hope! Final Battle for the GalaxyJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonDisappearing Stars! The End of Uranus and NeptuneJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonRuler of the Galaxy! Galaxia's ThreatJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonWhen the Galaxy Perishes: The Sailor Guardians' Final BattleJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonThe Fireball Princess Dies Out! Galaxia DescendsJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonHoly War in the Galaxy: Sailor Wars LegendJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonThe Silver Crystal is Stolen! The Fireball Princess AppearsJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonStraight to Your Dream: Idol Minako is Born?January 5, 2015
Sailor MoonWhen a Light Butterfly Dances in the Air: Premonition of a New WaveJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonTruth Revealed: Seiya and Company's PastJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonTorn Between Duty and Friendship: Confrontation Among the Sailor GuardiansJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonAn Invitation to Terror: Usagi's Night FlightJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonThe Power of a Shining Star: Chibi Chibi's TransformationJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonThe Mystery of Chibi Chibi? The Big Noisy ChaseJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonTaiki Sings with Excellence: A Believing Heart Carried by a SongJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonA Night Just for Us: Usagi's PinchJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonThe Scream of Dead Souls: The Mystery of Terror CampJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonInvasion from Space: Seiren Comes Flying InJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonSeiya and Usagi's Heart-Pounding DateJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonThe Brightness of the Calling Stars: Haruka and Company into the WarJanuary 5, 2015



Sailor MoonThe Arrival of the Tiny Pretty GuardianDecember 27, 2014
Sailor MoonThe Pure Heart Stolen: Usagi's Biggest CrisisDecember 27, 2014
Sailor MoonUsagi in Tears! Glass Slippers for Her BirthdayDecember 27, 2014
Sailor MoonRetire from the Sailor Guardians? Minako's ConcernsDecember 27, 2014
Sailor MoonThe Kindness of a Man: Yuichiro, Heartbroken by Rei?December 27, 2014
Sailor MoonSave Friends: Moon and Uranus Join ForcesDecember 27, 2014
Sailor MoonLeave it to the Moon for Love AidDecember 27, 2014
Sailor MoonProtect the Pure Heart: A Three-Way BattleDecember 27, 2014
Sailor MoonUsagi's Idol: The Graceful Genius MichiruDecember 27, 2014
Sailor MoonA Beautiful Boy: The Secret of Haruka TenouDecember 27, 2014
Sailor MoonThe Rod of Love is Born Again: Usagi's New TransformationDecember 27, 2014
Sailor MoonPremonition of World's End? The Appearance of Mysterious New GuardiansDecember 27, 2014
Sailor MoonUsagi and the Girls' Resolve: Prelude to a New BattleDecember 27, 2014
Sailor MoonThe Final Battle Between Love and Darkness: Love Sworn to the FutureDecember 27, 2014
Sailor MoonBelieve in Love and the Future: Usagi's DeterminationDecember 27, 2014
Sailor MoonSaphir Dies: Wiseman's TrapDecember 27, 2014
Sailor MoonThe Birth of Black Lady, Queen of DarknessDecember 27, 2014
Sailor MoonWiseman's Evil Hand: Chibiusa DisappearsDecember 27, 2014
Sailor MoonThe Shocking Future: Dimande's Dark AmbitionDecember 27, 2014
Sailor MoonA Journey to the Future: Battle in the Space-Time CorridorDecember 27, 2014
