
Moguel's picture


Member for
10 years 3 months


Sailor MoonEnemies? Allies? Starlights and the Sailor GuardiansJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonLuna Saw It?! Idol Yaten's True FaceJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonEntrusting Dreams and Romance to the Stars: Taiki's TransformationJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonFighter's True Form: A Super Shocking TransformationJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonAim to be an Idol: Minako's AmbitionJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonNew Transfer Students: Storm's BeginJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonMeetings and Farewells: The Stars of Destiny TurnoverJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonLove and Moon Power: The End of the NightmareJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonHell Demon Battle: Love Will PrevailJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonHardships of a Warrior: Sailor Guardians' Night of DestinyJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonMirror's Magic Curse: Mamoru Caught in a NightmareJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonSaturn Awakens! The 10 Guardians GatherJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonResurrection of the Queen of Darkness: When Scattered Flowers Create NightmaresJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonDreams Forever: Light Throughout the SkyJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonTime for the Crystal to Shine: Beautiful Power of DreamsJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonThe Golden Crystal Appears: Nehellenia's SpellJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonLabyrinth of Mirrors: Chibi Moon CapturedJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonThe Center of the Darkness: Dead Moon CircusJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonComing Terror: The Dark Queen's Evil ApproachJanuary 5, 2015
Sailor MoonDream to be an Adult: The Amazoness' BewildermentJanuary 5, 2015



Digimon AdventureThe Girls' Battle! LadyDevimonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureGood-bye NumemonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureBombing Mission! MugendramonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureOh Wind! Oh Light! SaberLeomonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Counterattack of MetalEtemonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureClash of the Ultimates! WarGreymon vs. MetalGarurumonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureJureimon of the Lost ForestAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Dangerous Game! PinocchimonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureSilent Whamon on the Bottom of the SeaAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Hardened King of the Seas! MetalSeadramonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Four Kings of the Devilish Mountain! The Dark Masters!August 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureTwo Great Ultimate Evolutions! Get Rid of the Darkness!August 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureRevival! The Demon Lord VenomVamdemonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventurePerfects Attack Together! Sparkling AngewomonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureBreak through the Barrier! Zudomon Spark!August 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Fairy of Odaiba! Lilymon BlossomsAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Bond of Destiny! TailmonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventurePump and Gotsu are Shibuya-Type DigimonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureTokyo Tower is Hot! DeathMeramonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureRaremon! Surprise Attack on Tokyo BayAugust 13, 2015
