
Moguel's picture


Member for
10 years 3 months


The Heroic Legend of ArslanThe Royal Capital Burns ~Part One~October 16, 2015
The Heroic Legend of ArslanThe World-Weary StrategistOctober 16, 2015
The Heroic Legend of ArslanThe Knight in BlackOctober 16, 2015
The Heroic Legend of ArslanAge Fourteen, Maiden BattleOctober 16, 2015
The Heroic Legend of ArslanThe Glory of EcbatanaOctober 12, 2015
The Heroic Legend of ArslanOctober 12, 2015
The Asterisk WarAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureA New WorldAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Final Dark DigimonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Holy Swordsman! HolyAngemonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventurePiemon: The Clown from HellAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Girls' Battle! LadyDevimonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureGood-bye NumemonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureBombing Mission! MugendramonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureOh Wind! Oh Light! SaberLeomonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Counterattack of MetalEtemonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureClash of the Ultimates! WarGreymon vs. MetalGarurumonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureJureimon of the Lost ForestAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureThe Dangerous Game! PinocchimonAugust 13, 2015
Digimon AdventureSilent Whamon on the Bottom of the SeaAugust 13, 2015



Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersArena of Lost Souls, Part 2July 25, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersArena of Lost Souls, Part 1July 25, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersThe Scars of DefeatJuly 25, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersWinning Through IntimidationJuly 25, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersThe Light at the End of the TunnelJuly 25, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersEvil Spirit of the RingJuly 21, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersTrial by Red-EyesJuly 21, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersThe Dueling MonkeyJuly 21, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersGive up the GhostJuly 21, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersDuel With a GhoulJuly 21, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersEverything's RelativeJuly 21, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersAttack from the DeepJuly 21, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersFirst DuelJuly 21, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersThe Ultimate Great MothJuly 21, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersInto The Hornet's NestJuly 21, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersJourney to the Duelist KingdomJuly 21, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersThe Gauntlet Is ThrownJuly 21, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersThe Heart of the CardsJuly 21, 2015
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersJuly 21, 2015
Cardcaptor SakuraSakura and Her True FeelingsJuly 21, 2015
