
iJay14's picture


Member for
7 years 3 months


Yona of the DawnSparkOctober 20, 2017
Yona of the DawnChain of CourageOctober 20, 2017
Yona of the DawnTrial of the Cheonsu PlantOctober 20, 2017
Yona of the DawnBondOctober 20, 2017
Yona of the DawnPirate of AwaOctober 20, 2017
Yona of the DawnPretend-WarOctober 20, 2017
Yona of the DawnTo a New LandOctober 20, 2017
Yona of the DawnLightOctober 20, 2017
Yona of the DawnThe Rippling FearOctober 20, 2017
Yona of the DawnThe Blindfolded DragonOctober 20, 2017
Yona of the DawnThe Dragon's ClawsOctober 20, 2017
Yona of the DawnYearnOctober 20, 2017
Yona of the DawnWavering DeterminationOctober 20, 2017
Dragon Ball GTThe Battle WithinOctober 19, 2017
Dragon Ball GTThe Man Behind the CurtainOctober 19, 2017
Dragon Ball GTThe Last Oracle of LuudOctober 19, 2017
Dragon Ball GTLord Luud's CurseOctober 19, 2017
Dragon Ball GTDance and AttackOctober 19, 2017
Dragon Ball GTLord LuudOctober 19, 2017
Dragon Ball GTWhisker PowerOctober 19, 2017



ERASEDTreasureOctober 19, 2017
ERASEDFutureOctober 19, 2017
ERASEDJoyOctober 19, 2017
ERASEDClosureOctober 19, 2017
ERASEDSpiralOctober 19, 2017
ERASEDOut of ControlOctober 19, 2017
Dragon Ball GTThe Most Wanted ListOctober 19, 2017
Dragon Ball GTTerror on ImeckaOctober 19, 2017
Dragon Ball GTPan Blasts OffOctober 19, 2017
Dragon Ball GTA Devastating WishOctober 19, 2017
Dragon Ball GTOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonCodename Paradise, Status MIAOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonOversaturation Kill BoxOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonAngels in the CrosshairsOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonAn Office Man's TacticsOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonCollateral MassacreOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonThe GunslingersOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonSnow White's PaybackOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonThe Dark TowerOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonTwo Father's Little Soldier GirlsOctober 19, 2017
