
iJay14's picture


Member for
7 years 3 months


Black LagoonCodename Paradise, Status MIAOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonOversaturation Kill BoxOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonAngels in the CrosshairsOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonAn Office Man's TacticsOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonCollateral MassacreOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonThe GunslingersOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonSnow White's PaybackOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonThe Dark TowerOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonTwo Father's Little Soldier GirlsOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonThe SuccessionOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonFujiyama Gangsta ParadiseOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonMr. Benny's Good FortuneOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonThe Roanapur Freakshow CircusOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonGreenback JaneOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonSwan Song at DawnOctober 19, 2017
Black LagoonBloodsport FairytaleOctober 19, 2017
AJIN: Demi-HumanBut I'm always scaredOctober 19, 2017
AJIN: Demi-HumanI'm surrounded by idiotsOctober 19, 2017
AJIN: Demi-HumanI'm getting sick of thisOctober 19, 2017



KiznaiverEverything's All Over......I ThinkSeptember 15, 2022
KiznaiverHappy Times Don't Tend to Last Very LongSeptember 15, 2022
KiznaiverA Battle Touching Upon the Identity of the Pain that's Seven Times the Pain of One-Seventh of a PainSeptember 15, 2022
KiznaiverNothing Good Comes From Being Around All Of YouSeptember 15, 2022
KiznaiverWahoo, It's a Training Camp! Let's Step in Deer Poop and Have Pillow Fights! Go, Go!September 15, 2022
KiznaiverNow That We're All Connected, Let's All Get to Know Each Other Better, 'Kay?September 15, 2022
KiznaiverDepending on How You Look At It, I Think We Could Get Through Anything... Right?September 15, 2022
KiznaiverIf You Can Swallow a Bizarre Situation Like This So Easily, Two Buckets of Barium Shouldn't Be a ProblemSeptember 15, 2022
KiznaiverSometimes, a Bond Can Bloom from the First Day Eye Contact Is MadeSeptember 15, 2022
DURARARA!! OADsDufufufu!!September 15, 2022
DURARARA!! OADsRomanticist's Chaka-PokoSeptember 15, 2022
DURARARA!! OADsMy Heart is Like a Hot PotSeptember 15, 2022
DURARARA!! OADsHeaven's VengeanceSeptember 15, 2022
DURARARA!!September 15, 2022
DURARARA!!Those Who Meet Must PartSeptember 15, 2022
DURARARA!!Life is an Unknown CourseSeptember 15, 2022
DURARARA!!TelepathySeptember 15, 2022
DURARARA!!Walking on Thin IceSeptember 15, 2022
DURARARA!!A Tiger Dies and Leaves His SkinSeptember 15, 2022
DURARARA!!No Love LostSeptember 15, 2022
