
biff45452's picture


Member for
10 years 7 months


Case ClosedThe Truth Behind Valentine's (The Resolution)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Forgotten Memento from the Crime (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Forgotten Memento from the Crime (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Secret Rushed Omission (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Secret Rushed Omission (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedOld Lady's Quiz Disappearance CaseJuly 17, 2014
Case ClosedTruth About the Haunted House (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedTruth About the Haunted House (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedCase of the Missing Policeman's BadgeJuly 17, 2014
Case ClosedEnglish Teacher vs. Great Western Detective (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedEnglish Teacher vs. Great Western Detective (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedHooligan's Labyrinth (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedHooligan's Labyrinth (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Small Eye-WitnessesJuly 17, 2014
Case ClosedMystery of the Water Flowing Stone Garden (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedMystery of the Water Flowing Stone Garden (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedChinatown Deja Vu in the Rain (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedChinatown Deja Vu in the Rain (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedShinichi Kudo's New York Case (The Case)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedShinichi Kudo's New York Case (The Deduction)July 17, 2014



Case ClosedFire and Water Mystery Tour (Kumamoto Part)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Water Palace of 5 Colors (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Unsmashable Snowman (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedSweet and Cold Delivery Service (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Water Palace of 5 Colors (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Unsmashable Snowman (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedSweet and Cold Delivery Service (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedMushrooms, Bears, and the Detective Boys (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Mysterious Case Near the PondJuly 17, 2014
Case ClosedKaitou Kid and the Blush Mermaid (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedMushrooms, Bears, and the Detective Boys (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedKaitou Kid and the Four Masterpieces (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedKaitou Kid and the Blush Mermaid (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Mysterious Retro Room CaseJuly 17, 2014
Case ClosedKaitou Kid and the Four Masterpieces (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Happy Message That Brings MisfortuneJuly 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Bay of Revenge (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Out of Control Rental CarJuly 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Banquet and the Two GunshotsJuly 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Bay of Revenge (Part 2)July 17, 2014
